Malooi Youth Demonstration Farm

Our Mission

 Feeding Africa using a faith-based approach to sustainable farming.

Our demonstration farm is a non-profit organization supported by the local and global Church. We are a hands-on training center where we train and equip Kenyan farmers on how to farm more sustainably and profitably. Our goal is to eliminate hunger by empowering & training local Africans with the knowledge & resources to sustain themselves.

The Crisis

Kenya is enduring its worst drought in 40 years. More than four million people are “food insecure,” and 3.3 million can’t get enough water to drink.

Kenya has a population of 45 million and 80% live in the rural. The land is classified as semi-arid, which means they don’t receive enough water to sustain the growth of maize and beans. 

In the Malooi village, livestock has perished due to drought and families struggle to put food on the table – the ground is infertile with no viable crops to sell.

About Us

Our History

Established in 2002, we’re a grass-roots local organization supported by the local and global church. We have existed for 20 years helping to train and teach local farmers how to yield more crops, save rain water for drought seasons and improve soil health. 

Our Demonstration Farm

The farm is situated next to the church and is community run by church volunteers. On the 3-acre piece of land, we have a variety of projects to demonstrate hands on sustainable farming techniques. We host frequent workshops to train & disciple others.

Our Vision 

Our goal is to fight food insecurity in a Christ centered manner. We provide for both the physical & spiritual needs of the community.  We hope to become a model for the rest of rural Africa to alleviate hunger & reduce dependence on foreign aid. 

Upcoming Projects

Facilities & Auditorium – $120,000-150,000

Facilities & Auditorium – $120,000-150,000

Currently, MYDF has no buildings on the farm. We hope to partner with a Christian ministry to build facilities that will greatly increase our capacity to train and equip the community. Currently in the planning phase, we hope to build: Two conference rooms Kitchen +...

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Garden Box Kit – $75/box

Garden Box Kit – $75/box

An innovative idea we would like to try is to harness rain from the aluminum rooftops and use it to water wooden boxes with vegetables. These boxes will serve as a starter kit to grow subsistence vegetables. A small amount of rain water collected from run-off rain on...

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Well – $25,000

Well – $25,000

Due to the insufficient rains, we need a consistent water source to the farm. This well will supply enough water to meet the needs of the tree nursery, the vegetables, fruits and drinking water. We hope to have this completed by the end of 2023 to prepare for the next...

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Livestock – $10,000

Livestock – $10,000

We would like to house animals at the demonstration farm to sell their products and help families in the community. This fund raising goal will go towards clearing the land, and building pens for the animals. We plan to initially purchase 2 cows, 10 chickens, and 5...

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Perimeter Fence – $5,000

Perimeter Fence – $5,000

Our crops and fields are unprotected from wild and grazing animals that roam through the village. We hope to build a perimeter fence around the property to keep away the animals and keep our crops safe.

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Drip Irrigation – $50/kit

Drip Irrigation – $50/kit

Drip irrigation is the most efficient technological advancement used to grow crops. The system delivers the correct amount of water and nutrients directly to the roots of the plant at the right time so that the plant receives exactly what it requires for maximum growth.

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For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you took care of Me; I was in prison and you visited Me.

Matthew 25:35