Hope from the Soil + HOpe From Jesus

Gospel Approach

We exist to bring glory to God by caring for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Poverty is not just physical, but a spiritual condition. We integrate faith into everything we do. Our organization is an extension of the Church. The vision for the Demo farm was birthed out of a men’s Bible study. That Bible study helped to disciple the young men to desire to serve their neighbors. Our organization has been run and operated by young men who give of their time and talents for free. Only that can be accomplished because of the love of God burning in these hearts. 

Love God, Love others, Steward God’s Creation 

Genesis commands us to take care of the Earth which God gave man. From that imperative, we seek to teach others conservation farming and how to be good stewards of the land He has given us. 

Genesis 1:28 –

“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Genesis 2:15 – 

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

Christian staff:

Our teachers and trainers are part of the local church. Our staff loves God.

Bible Studies:

We offer weekly Bible studies for anyone interested in growing in faith through Christian Community 

Faith & Farming

We come alongside farmers to help them improve their soil and to mature their faith. It’s a hollistic mission. 

Who do we Reach?

Our Demonstration Farm & classroom opportunities are open to anyone in the community. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender or religion. We maintain our core values and publically proclaim that Jesus is where our Hope comes from.


Facilities & Auditorium – $120,000-150,000

Facilities & Auditorium – $120,000-150,000

Currently, MYDF has no buildings on the farm. We hope to partner with a Christian ministry to build facilities that will greatly increase our capacity to train and equip the community. Currently in the planning phase, we hope to build: Two conference rooms Kitchen +...

Garden Box Kit – $75/box

Garden Box Kit – $75/box

An innovative idea we would like to try is to harness rain from the aluminum rooftops and use it to water wooden boxes with vegetables. These boxes will serve as a starter kit to grow subsistence vegetables. A small amount of rain water collected from run-off rain on...

Well – $25,000

Well – $25,000

Due to the insufficient rains, we need a consistent water source to the farm. This well will supply enough water to meet the needs of the tree nursery, the vegetables, fruits and drinking water. We hope to have this completed by the end of 2023 to prepare for the next...