Faith Driven education

Training Methodology

We help farmers through droughts by teaching the following subject areas:

  • Water harvesting
  • Soil conservation and management


  • Establishing a tree nursery
  • Planting emerging crops
  • Fish farming, livestock & bee keeping
  • Research techniques

About Us

What We Do

We teach and train our youth on a variety of topics. Conservation farming is a main focus for us, and we aim at training these subsistence farmers on how they can maintain the quality of their soil. This farming method not only enhances productivity of individual farms but also develops the ecosystem, minimizes emission of carbon in the atmosphere, manages waste in the environment and promotes organic farming.

The Demonstration Farm has been recognized the local County Government as a Center of Excellence. We partner with our local church and local government to support our training programs.

The farm has a registration certificate from Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) for its nursery and are in the process of getting another certificate from the Kenya Plant Inspectorate (KEPHIS).

Come Visit US

Plan Your Trip to the Farm

  We love to host visitors and show off the hard work we’ve done at the Demo Farm. Come learn with us and see the progress we’re making to alleviate poverty. Below is a few of the main objectives of our teaching curriculum at the Demonstration Farm:

Teaching about Tree Nurseries

The three year old nursery motivated by the thought, ‘more trees brighter life’ must expand now. The youth would like to join the promotion of the ‘magic’ Jatropha and Moringa trees by raising not less than 5,000 seedlings of each every year. Both are good for alternative energies, bio-diesel and food and do well in semi-arid areas.

The nursery will also promote the planting of indigenous trees by raising thousands of indigenous seedlings in the nursery. This will not only encourage the ‘greening’ of the environment but will also join national effort on preservation of our environmental heritage.


Self Sustaining Project

The goal is this project will support itself and hopefully help to establish a scholarship foundation for Secondary and college education for the less privileged in the area. It will also be a place to demonstrate to the young people that agri-business is a creative alternative for livelihood. This means that they can get money from self-created jobs in the rural and stop the unnecessary urban migration.

The demonstration farm will continue planting and selling seedlings of fruit trees like citrus, mangoes, guavas, avocado and whatever else the market demands. Forest trees, flowers and hedge plants will also continue to be raised and sold.

An Agricultural Institute

Through the partnership of our Agronomist Teachers (pictured above), we offer credited certificates, diplomas, degrees, certificates of participation on diverse fields of agriculture. The institute will spear head poverty eradication programs in the county.

The project will be used as a learning institution for visiting groups, individuals, schools, colleges and Churches.

Who we Impact

By the Numbers

Poverty is about relationships that don’t work, that isolate, that abandon or devalue. So transformation is about restoring relationships, just and right relationships with God, with self, with community, and with the environment. We’ve used our resources to train up local people to work in all levels of leadership and empower the locals to change their own communities. Our non profit invests in people, and we train and develop people to be producers in their society and build and fix the broken systems that are keeping the country in poverty and corruption.


Youth Unemployment

Over 60% of Malooi is comprised of you ages 13-30. Of that age group, over 50% suffer from unemployment. Many are forced to migrate to the city to survive. We help to provide valuable skillsets & training to allow youth to use what they have & provide food for their families. 


Everyone in the Community is a Farmer 

On average each family owns about 3 acres of land. This qualifies most of the community as substinence farmers.

07 mo.

The Average Drought Length Anually

On average annually Malooi endures a drought annually for 7 months. The land dries up and becomes very difficult for families to survive. 


Stay updated on our latest news

Joining our monthly emails to follow along the journey. This is a great way to support the ministry & know how to pray for us. We appreciate you!


Here are some areas of the farm we could use financial support:

Water Tanks – $8,000

Water Tanks – $8,000

Due to yearly droughts that can last 8-9 months of the year, the demonstration farm needs to store large amounts of water to keep our crops nourished. An anonymous donor generously provided $8,000 so that we were able to install 30,0000 liters of water storage with a...

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Water Reservoir & Solar Panels – $150,000

Water Reservoir & Solar Panels – $150,000

In 2020, the local Kenyan government, through the former Governor, Prof. Kivutha Kibwana, took notice of the demonstration farm and provided a grant of 1.5 Kenyan Shillings (about $150,000 USD) to help expand our farm efforts! In 2021the team built a tree nursery, a...

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Facilities & Auditorium – $120,000-150,000

Facilities & Auditorium – $120,000-150,000

Currently, MYDF has no buildings on the farm. We hope to partner with a Christian ministry to build facilities that will greatly increase our capacity to train and equip the community. Currently in the planning phase, we hope to build: Two conference rooms Kitchen +...

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